Do You Know Jesus? – Introduction

"This means everlasting life, their coming to know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ."
(John 17:3)
The following series of articles about Jesus is interesting for every Christian, but especially important for Jehovah's Witnesses. Why?
Jehovah's Witnesses sometimes hear the statement "You do not believe in Jesus! This sounds almost absurd to your ears, because you are standing at someone else's front door, BECAUSE you want to follow Jesus and do the holy ministry of proclaiming the Kingdom, which JESUS started!
Nevertheless, there is more truth to it
than you might think.
John 17:3 is often quoted when we preach from door to door:

"This means everlasting life, their coming to know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ."
What is the practice - the faith practice of the witnesses themselves?
They focus their attention mainly on the Father, Jehovah, and this means that their knowledge of the Son, Jesus, can be incomplete, patchy and even distorted.
The prospect of salvation that they seek to build through the knowledge of Jehovah is, so to speak, partly torn down by their lack of knowledge of Jesus and their lack of personal attention to Jesus.
How about a little knowledge test?
Did you know, for example, that the Bible clearly shows ...
- that Jesus is neither a creature nor an angel?
- that Jesus cannot be the archangel Michael?
- that Jesus' apostles and disciples repeatedly showed him an act of worship without him correcting them?
- that it is all right and even desired by Jehovah that we also address Jesus directly? (Without of course losing sight of the Father Jehovah as the most Supreme, of course).
Although these facts may at first sound unusual to your ears, there are several biblical references for each of these statements, and they fit harmoniously into the overall picture of the biblical context.
Here and now you can prove whether you yourself are really ready to "continually absorb knowledge".
Is it really more important to you to grasp the true, full and pure truth of the Bible, or would you rather cultivate religious thinking habits and remain in the familiar?

"Do you, however,
the one teaching someone else,
not teach yourself?"
(Romans 2:21a)
We can only encourage you to ask for Jehovah's powerful spirit of discernment and then read on, and you will find that "the so-called Jesus" is much more ...
- more than just a "means or instrument of Jehovah" for salvation,
- more than just a "ransom",
- more than just a perfect role model,
- and much more than just a postage stamp with which we must stamp our prayers to Jehovah so that they arrive ("... in Jesus' name, Amen").
Here you can start with the article series:
1- Jehovah´s Witness or Witness of Jesus?
2- Do You Kiss the Son?
3- Are We Allowed to Pray to Jesus?
4- Is Jesus the Archangel Michael?
5- Is Jesus God?
See also our article The True Name of "Jesus".